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Company Profile

FLZ Anstalt (founded in 2008) is an accredited TrustCenter in Liechtenstein issuing smartcard based qualified certificates for citizen used in eGovernment, etc.

On Mai 25, 2009 FLZ has been accredited according to § 17 of the Liechtenstein Signature Law by government of the Principality of Liechtenstein / Office for Communications

A-Trust must report its services to the supervisory authority for the Austrian market the Telekom- Control Commission.

All services reported to the supervisory authority can be found here:

Terms and Conditions

Fingerprint of A-Trust Root Certificates

The following p7b file contains all issuing certificates required to verify end user certificates.

Certificate Polices/Practice Statements

Certificate Policies / Certificate Practice Statements

Certificate Revocation Service

Certificate Revocation is possible 24 hours a day using the following toll-free number:

+43 (0) 1 715 20 60

Revocation is compulsory upon loss or compromise of the keys.

Directory Service

A-Trust's Directory contains all CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists), CA Certificates and a selection of user certificates, since A-Trust customers may choose whether they want their certificate to be listed in the directory or not.

The A-Trust directory can be accessed via

HTTP (All) or HTTP (lisign)

LDAP (Searchbase: c=AT, Port: 389)